Polycystic ovary, discovered a melatonin base cure
An Italian research has proved the effectveness of the melatonin base supplements for the treatment of this female disease.
What is polycystic ovary sindrome
The polycystic ovary sindrome is an endocrinologic and metabolic pathology, characterized by an excessive production of androgens (male hormones) compared to the estrogens (female hormones). It is one of the most common ginecologic disturbs among the female population so that in Italy from 5% to 15% of the female in reproductive age are affected.
Which are the symptoms
The increase of the male hormones is responsible for the excessive down on face and body and the hair falling. The syndrome, moreover, is characterized by possible presence of acne and menstraul cycle alterations.
The ovary can appear bigger or equipped with variable diameter cysts. In some patients a resistance to insuline can be noticed too, the hormone that regulates the glucose within blood: this can cause iperglycemia, diabetes and arterial ipertension.
The Italian study
The researchers of the ’Università Cattolica and Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli di Roma have taken under exam 40 women affected by polycystic ovary sindrome, who have been given melatonin every day for six months.
After the period of treatment these people have shown a significant reduction of the androgen hormones , the regularization of the mestrual cycle, the reinstatement of the ovulation, reduction of acne and down.
Why is Melatonin effective against polycystic ovary?
Even if the causes of this disturb are still unknown, “recently it has been supposed an intrinsic pro-inflammatory and pro-oxydative state can have a role in the determination, maintaining and/or getting worse the reproductive and metabolic manifestations observed in the women affected by the polycystic ovary sindrome”, explains Rosanna Apa, gynaecologist at the Polo Scienze della Salute della Donna e del Bambino del Policlinico Gemelli.
“Melatonin has a docuemented antioxidant activity and for this reason we’ve decided to use it on some women affected by this illness”.
From the study it has emerged that melatonin could protect the follicles from oxidative stress, inducing a correct maturation of oocytes too.
The point of strenght of this discovery
The innovation of this study is that the agent used to obtained clinical and biochemical improvements is a supplement and not a medicine, so lack of collateral effects.
However, its submisnistration for the treatment of the polycystic ovary disease must always be valuated by a specialist.
Source ( Italiano ) : https://www.ok-salute.it/diagnosi-e-cure/ovaio-policistico-scoperta-una-cura-a-base-di-melatonina/